April 3, 2020


March 27, 2020

Yukon to yellowstone y2k logo.jpg

Grassy Mountain Coal - Joint Panel timeline extension

On April 3, 2020, the Federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change announced a timeline extension for the environmental assessment of the Grassy Mountain Coal Project and for the Joint Review Panel to submit its report.

It has not, however, extended the timeline for public comments on the sufficiency and technical merit of the Eleventh Addendum from Benga Mining Ltd. Read more

Finding Water - Video Release Mar 2020

proud to introduce our educational tool for water stewardship produced with financial assistance of The Land Stewardship Centre. This 25 minute video was developed under the leadership of LLG Board Member, Kevin Van Tighem.  


LLG Awarded Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y) Grant

LLG has been awarded a $5,000 partnership grant from the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative. for activities related to the project “Cumulative Effects Analysis”.

The grant comes as we are initiating a critical new fundraising effort to address environmental concerns relating to the proposed Grassy Mountain Coal development.